What happens next?



Step 1: 


Reach out and take your first step: mediate@macarthurmediations.com.au. We will gather some information from you and invite the other party to participate in mediation. The cost for this preliminary work – your intake fee – is $330 which is paid at this step.

Step 2:


If the other party agrees to participate in mediation, a date will be agreed upon by everyone (we have a handy calendar on our website) and we will arrange separate intake sessions by telephone with you both.  During these sessions, you will have the opportunity to let our Mediator know, in your own words, how you see the dispute and the issues that are important to you. The Mediator will also share with you an overview of the process and outline our role. Once the Intakes are completed, we will assess whether the mediation is suitable to proceed.

If we have not been able to contact the other party on our first attempt, we are required to make a further attempt and/or give an extension of time. If we are then still unable to make contact or we have not received the completed intake forms within the timeframe, we are able to issue a Certificate under s60I of the Family Law Act.  This is included in your $330 intake fee.

Step 3:


We can accommodate in-person mediations at no charge in Camden, Picton, Narellan and Gregory Hills.  We also conduct many mediations on Zoom.

Seven days before the mediation, we will send you each an invoice for 50% of the mediation fee. Occasionally, one party is paying the mediation fee in full and we can accommodate that.  We ask that the full cost be paid prior to the mediation commencing.

We will ask each party to provide us with their Mediation Position Papers and a joint Balance Sheet (for property matters) prior to the mediation.

Step 4:


We hope that Step 4 – your Mediation – is the last step in your conflict resolution journey and the first step into your future.