Mediation Formats


The format of mediations can be varied according to the needs and requirements of the parties. We provide face to face, telephone, shuttle and video mediations. Our ability to be flexible with the type of mediation, along with our guarantee of booking in a mediation within 14 days of both Intakes being received, means that we at Macarthur Mediations should be your first step in your mediation journey.


Face to Face

Where you and the other party and/or lawyers, meet in the one room with the Mediator.



Here the Mediator connects you and the other party and/or lawyers on the telephone or via video means, such as Zoom, and the mediation is conducted in this manner.



In circumstances where either one, or both parties, are uncomfortable being with, or hearing, the other party the mediation is conducted in a shuttle format. This means that the Mediator will speak to one party at a time and you will not both be joined together in the mediation. Shuttle mediations can occur in person, by telephone or on Zoom.


Lawyer Assisted

Not all parties feel the need to have their lawyer attend the mediation, whilst some prefer that their lawyer attend. We are open to both methods and we can most certainly accommodate and welcome lawyers attending.